10 June 2005


so yesterday a couple of my (god how i hate that i am about to write the following 2 words) online friends were bantering about relationships and the guy was complaining about how he has been prematurely and premeditatively burned by girls and how he will never trust again. and moss (who is a girl herself) said that he needed to ease the f off with the desperation and relax; to not expect anything; to enjoy his chance to find "a string of awesome girls to play with serially or parallelly." i smiled at that, then immediately wrote a personal message to moss:

the updated version of the OED gives the following definition:

Parallelilialism - the grammatically gentiled -ism state wherein one is continually in search of another person who possesses a similar fondness for linguistical plasticity; (eg, with regard to the bendiness of words "Thank the Lord, at last i find someone who has a sophisticated sense of parallellial inventionalness" P.Laureal, Notes and Other Blunders Vol 4, 1957)

then i paused, lit a smoke. and realized that, for me, her use of that word encapsulizes both the dilemna (of doubting your ability to trust a girl again ever) and the solution: i now have a crush on moss. simply for the cadence of the way she chose to phrase her reply. "parallelly" is a fun and make-believe word; it has a delighful odor. it is the kind of word that is invented when 2 kids are up in the tree fort discussing schematics for the most efficient way to assail the obnoxiously needy neighbor boy with water balloons. and that is so fun. moss is so fun.

everyone, even ferris, wants to treat -isms like cold product -- let's put your fascism side by side with my nihilism and take turns moaning about humanity. but i think -isms are also much tinier and more important than that; i truly actually believe that your very first thin-sliced impression of someone can give you an accurate and true sense of their particular energy and mode of operation on this wobbly spinning circle. meanwhile, though, you have all sorts of outside influences and inner daemon-like-figures that do their subtle damndest to sway and distract and ultimately damn you to pursue those who move away from you. so we must take care. ..i say that as someone who is days removed from having his heart as badly bruised as it has been since i was taking english classes that taught the inflexible merits of the 5-paragraph essay [Bing. Bang. Bongo] and meanwhile i walk around, functioning and sharply sentient while simultaneously aware that my spirit has had its ballast cut and is drafting ever-further away from me. we must take care, but ultimately we must re-learn to trust that which every one of my 6-yr-old sunday school students has in spades: the ability to look a person in the shins-and-then-the-waist-and-then-the-tits-and-then-the-eyes and know, with instant and honest surety, whether she can be trusted.


Anonymous said...

i am a lap dog
by mark :ten-gallon: huntsman

chapter 1: i like to stroll while i masturbate
chapter 2: it wasn't my allen wrench
chapter 3: that's my beautiful wife giving that hand job
chapter 4: where to hide broken porch swings
chapter 5: first the elbow, then the song
chapter 6: really now. can't you just lie still?
chapter 7: life was funny. like zebras are funny.
chapter 8: looking forward to my next hard-on

appendix: linear history of prostate effectiveness

anon said...

Here's the thing--I read this post--and for some reason, I immediately wanted to cry. Then I read the comment, and I wanted to laugh. Then, I thought I was menopausal (because why else would I be moodswinging so horribly when my period is already over?) Waiting for You and Davey's reply's--so I can post a new piece on my blog.

scs said...

Yeah, I like it. I can get on board with parallely. And I am SO sorry that you had your heart broken this week, huntsman. Do I need to go kick some ass?