09 October 2007

gertrude box redux.

..apsi has just received a comment on our first-ever post, and it's marvelous.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "how about Pandora. no? then let's go with Gertrude...":

Hey there! You're talking about my GREAT GRANDMA! She happens to be a great great grandma at this point X 4!

Gertrude Box (or grandma gert as we called her) is an eccentric and wonderful person.

She is 86 years old and is the quintessential life-long learner, but she didn't start her formal college education until after she left her husband at 50 years old!

She has swam in the senior olympics

She has given birth to eight children

At 86, she can still do at least three pull-ups, as she demonstrated at our last family reunion

Quick! Someone do a documentary before she kicks the bucket sky-diving!


the post itself was a rich prelude to the sartorial sophistication that would come to define apsi.

i have a thing for the notion that a name plays a role in dictating character. ...really it's a cheap subset of the question as to whether fate determines character or character determines fate -- but that's not exactly a top-shelf philosophical wondering to begin with. so whatever; it's a fun thing to ponder.

especially when today i return to my phd database [am temping at the UW college of education on a study tracking the career paths of phds in certain disciplines] and set about the task of uncovering the current residence of one Gertrude Box. ah, pardon: dr. gertrude box. she has two phds.

go ahead! say it aloud a few times. gertrude BOX. gerTRUDE box.


strangely freeing, isn't it? it took a while but i finally tracked her down; she was a tough nut to crack. box to open. whichever.

and, if your mind is anything like mine--a generally unhelpful combination of scornful and lazy--you have to wonder what kind of person gertrude box, phd is: whether she eats wheat; if maybe when she laughs her face looks the same as when she takes a shit. that kind of thing.

i looked up the acknowledgements page of her sociology dissertation, to look for references to other family/spousal members who have more easily researchable names. and, jackpot:

"to my father, reverend harry thomas morrell, ba, bd, bph, ma, phd, and to my eight children - trudy, terry, ted, twinkle star, tom, tim, tiara and todd ... but especially to twinkle star."

well, i mean, DUH. of course it was twinkle star box who helped you, who did ALL the typing of your disseration about development of a metric for "the sociological impact of recreational parachuting." because, you know, she had the time.


Anonymous said...

jean, it will come as no surprise to you that i find your breasts immensely compelling. thank you. for your breasts.

anon said...

OMG. I can't believe it...I mean, this is Gertrude Box of todd box and company. Seriously. Does everyone else realize the immensity of this?

huntsmanic said...

right! this is the matron of todd box, et al. how awesome is that? it's epic proportions, over here.

Jean Gutierrez, PhD, RD said...

This is Jean--

Gma Gert was also one of the first women in NY state to get a pilot's license and is apparently teaching exercise classes and playing the piano these days at a senior center (July 2011). She won a limerick contest and there is a cute pic of her here:


You can thank Susan BetzJitomir for my boobs.

Todd Box said...

This is Todd Box. Some corrections. My mother started college for the second time at 39. She was way down on the list of women to get a pilot's license in N.Y.. Albeit she was the second woman in America to get her PHD in Motorcycle Drivers Education.
Why I am epic or whatever I do not know. I seem to have a reputation that maybe fits maybe not. Depends on if you know me and have done anything with me. I only associate with people that have the same possibilities as I.