25 January 2005

supreme ultimate dicator - part two

2. IN THE BEDROOM - the supreme ultimate dictator (herewith s.u.d.)

a) immediately apparent is the fact that, if dictatorship of a nature that is both supreme and ultimate is to be achieved in the bedroom, it cannot be done alone -- anyhow, such a solo dictatorial dynamic has already been accomplished (as nearly as possible) by Onan [genesis 38:6-10]. also there would have to be more than one other person involved; in point of fact, an entire system would be needed, a veritable lair, a base of operation from which the promise of sexual dictatorship would emanate. it could be modeled to include the following elements.

1b) The Uniform - the s.u. dictator's uniform will have many of the standard characteristics of a military general's uniform -- medals on the lapel, bars on the shoulders, etc -- and though it be made of coarse, stain-resistant fabric, it would be neither the standard military muted green color nor a lily-ass white. it would hold the promise and excitement of the dictatorship a given subject is about to experience, and could therefore incorporate a number of colors, ranging from muted pinks to royal purples but excluding taupe, which is tasteless. there would be a wide selection of different colored uniforms with a variety of interchangeable accoutrements so as to best fit the s.u.d.'s relative (but always dominant) mood. the s.u.d. would prefer to dress privately.

2b) The Persuasion - this would seem a tricky one, as in order to be as widespreadly dominant as possible, the s.u.d. needs accept all comers to the bedroom. however, it only need be recalled that a fine grade of dictatorship can be accomplished via rejection: for example, even if the s.u.d. were vigorously bi, under no circumstances should bob dole be granted audience.

3b) The Staff - though extensive -- including an operations analyst, solicitation team and event planner -- of all the staff members it is the secretary who would hold the duties most vital to the s.u.d.'s bedroom lair activities. the secretary would take minutes from his/her post just at the foot of the bed, and later make recommendations as to how the operations could be streamlined so as to maximize the number of subects who are supremely and ultimately dictatored. the secretary would be a person the s.u.d. trusts on an intimate level -- a level not easily accomplished, as it is a hard thing to fully trust a person who has watched you lick fecal froth from your mustache or accidentally swallow a string of anal beads.

4b) etc.

bedroom s.u.d. candidates:
- barbara streisand [domineering & self-entitled, & loud; little else]
- jack palance [domineering & crazy; also arthritic & old]
- errol flynn [masterfully domineering & with the necessary panache; also dead]
- keith sweat [strong]



Anonymous said...

oh but hunts: you forgots the peabo bryson.

Anonymous said...

Dream on, darling.