07 April 2005

what doesn't kill us.

after listening to me ramble, a friend assessed that it sounds as though the job search is making me "a bit poopy." i squinted my eyes for a second and was like,

not quite -- we've passed Poopy. that was a ways back; even before we hit Frustrated. Desperate is also behind us -- was like three exits ago. we've arrived at ... not a "crossroads," exactly, but a meeting place of some kind, where Need & Clarity have intersected to grant me a Zenlike Calm. my friend just looked at me, slack-jawed and silent. which i thought was appropriate.

so i thought to repeat it when i spoke by phone to my old professor, who disagreed, calling it "frail and solipsistic;" i believe the man who overheard my phone conversation at the coffeeshop muttered something about "a grade-A clusterfuck;" while my writer-friend commented later that it "sounds more like narcissism minus the fun parts." i am impervious: their skepticism only makes me stronger. man.


anon said...

Oh dear lord Jesus H.--yup, the job hunt. At least you wont get lost on your way to an interveiw, driving the wrong way on a busy one way street in the Tenderloin in front of a cop. That's something to be thankful for, right?

Anonymous said...

shanti. shanti. jobajoba maya. namaste payyourwaya inthestaya hellwhole samsara.
breath bythebook broke buddha
by the watercoola
giveupyoursay yoursdaysoflays to yo mama's guestarooma.
ohmmmmm hommmmeeeee.

Anonymous said...

what does not kill us usually kills them