14 November 2005

Ooooh ... let's go ...

Hunts walks warily down the street, with his pants pulled way down low.

Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet, witticisms ready to go.

Are you ready, are you ready for this? Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?

Out of the doorway the cynicisms rip, to the sound of the beat.

BUMP BUMP BUMP, badump bump bump baBUMP.

Another one bites the Hunts.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

hard to top that Blog Software Smackdown comment, but hey: another one bites the hunts.

anon said...

Are there details to be revealed? What's your "pregnant defeat" situation?

anon said...

You scared me for a moment there, tee-hee.

anon said...

Heard this for the first time in a long time: Blue Diamonds, The Long Winters. One line made me think of you and your knowlege of archaic coloquialisms.

anon said...

Oh, and this is just for you.