at the moment, amazon's top 10 features -
- 5 novels; this is actually up from the a few months ago, when there were 2. so we're okay there
- 4 books that do not have a colon in the title. so, yes, the colon is bleeding over into fiction titles as well
- currently duking it out for the #4 spot are Eat Pray Love and Eat This Not That, which is funny
- but the true centerpiece of the top 10 is the ellipsis ...
- there are 2 books in the top 10 that have ...s in the title. in the f'ing title. as far as i'm aware, a ... is used to signify
- the cadence and quirk of a character/narrator's voice, or
- the laziness of the author's brain
- and that's f'ing it. that's all. but now the usage has ballooned; eg
- three cups of tea: one man's mission to promote peace . . . one school at a time by greg mortenson
- now. paying a shill to serve up a squirt of praise for the back cover is a thing that's done
- putting that same quote on the other side, in the title, well . . . bang for your buck, i guess . . . one book at a time
- on a punctation-is-personal note: greg, really? it's too much for one man, greg: you're doing all the tea-drinking and all the peace-promoting, all by your one-man self? gosh. you must be so tired;
- why don't you stop writing your subtitle for a moment and have . . . a nap.
- feeling better? great! now pick where you left off in the subtitle, and if you need to use the word you used 5 words ago . . . ease into it, tiger; no rush . . . great job!
- the working title of huntsmanic's forthcoming #4-5 amazon.com bestseller:
- Eat Me Not You: One dude's journey in search of . . . food; first, though . . . he runs into these foreign cats who sell . . . this gonzo hash . . . it's pretty sweet . . . later, he cruises to the In-n-Out
1 comment:
Okay, fuck. I suppose I'll just go down the list and make it a three-fer.
In-n-Out is indeed awesome, as yopu know I recently had my first experience.
I just want it to be known tha Dick's is infinitely better.
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