a bit i wrote for work went up on the yahoo! main page as a featured article. just for an afternoon, but it generated a ton of business. this lead to dudes at work coming by my desk, flashing me the thumb and saying quietly, huntsman. nice work. i was reminded of senior year, when i asked sydney shuck to prom and she said yes; the next day at school dudes who'd never looked me in the eye were crossing the hall to shake my hand. at the end of prom i got a hug; here i get paid; it all works out in the end.
Oh, yes yes yes. I like very much the idea that heirarchy both at work and in highschool are both only seemingly important, yet feels so very fucking good once you've managed the top rung.
That I am stealing as well.
Did you get my message?
but, from what i've heard, you did manage to ejaculate during said hug.
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