10 October 2006

things that weren't remembered until they'd happened [PUT NUMBER HERE] times -

11 - role play is less fun when you start without telling her.

8 - "that's what they used to call me in high school" is not always a hit when you say it right after someone else says "...a very hard time for my mom."

7 - red pants to be worn only when in mood to be called sweetie.

1 - "that's what they used to call me in high school" is always a hit when you say it right after someone else says "...the james joyce of ass rape."

1 comment:

Sprincely said...

Sweetie, ORANGE? That was MY nickname in high school! That explains so much. While "that was my nickname in high school" may not work quite so well after ...a very hard time for my Mom...you know what great saying DOES? "...just like my cock."