in some bright red boxer drawers

ya moms.
ya moms: she uses brut

and i saw her ridin’ a horsey drinking whisky out a boot. she's got the wings and teeth of an african bat, her middle name is mudbone and on top of all that
ya mama's got a peg leg with a kickstand

i, i, i i said ya mama's got a peg leg with a kickstand
ya mama, ya mama, ya mama
I got a letter from the DMV the other day, I opened and read it, it said they were suckas
closed the door behind me, locked it very tight; thinkin’ of all the nasty things we did last night. slipped out my underoos sat on the toilet bowl,and let the hand i hold the mike with TAKE CONTROL
i am randal statler's mom, and as such, i must say i am wet as november, all up in my red underoos.
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