funny ha ha, funny queer. a number of comments have been made about my new email username, huntsmanic@. and these comments have been ... skeptical, let's say. when i have asked if that amount of sarcasm is really called for, commenters have conceded that well, it is funny. huntsmanic is funny. then they pause, yoda-style. this pause extends the word “funny” to include less formal meanings, like hella-funny, f'ing-funny, and uber-funny, but also the more deprecatory funny-my-ass-funny, you-lookin-at-me-funny-funny, and don’t-quit-your-job-even-your-retail-one-funny. so it seems that we should clear some things up. let's define our terms.
huntsmanic, in context. it’s not like i’m announcing a new personal catch phrase, people. but if that’s how it’s going to be approached then this bears clarification—because we are done with catchphrases. have gone beyond them. what we have here is not a phrase but a word. a new one—with huntsmanic we have gone back to the lexicon and forged a composite, a new substance. huntsmanic is both fully huntsman and fully manic. but also it’s something else.
something else is what people say when they have already given the wrong answer. but too it is where people turn when none of their ideas are working, and it is these people who are best prepared to benefit from huntsman. it’s not a happy place to be, nor a comfortable one, walking around with the fetal posture of somebody who’s trying to stave off the inevitable. and huntsman understands this. huntsman knows what it is like to be so frowny-faced all the time that you worry about growing jowels, and too huntsman knows that such thinking circles back on itself and eventually you realize that you are worrying about the effects of your own worry, which is like a self-fulfilling prophecy thing, a cyclical, circular image that makes you think of a gerbil running on his exercise wheel, happy to be running at first but then just running and running and not getting anywhere, the running won’t ever stop and the image just won’t get out of your head and now you are manic. it’s okay, have a seat. you can talk if you want. huntsman won’t freak out on you, won’t be all in a hurry to end the discussion. huntsman even liked ally mcbeal before she stopped eating. this here is a meeting place, a delta, where manic flows together with huntsman and goes out for a riverboat tour with their friends sense of foreboding and calculated slowness. it’s too soon to say the particulars of how the dynamic will shape up, but they’re serving watercress sandwiches for lunch, and someone (huntsman?) brought beer and cheez-its in the daypack. should be nice.
1 comment:
Hahaha. That's reverse-flatulation-funny. That's Rockass. That's making me feel left out, because if memory (and my handy gmail archives) serves, I said: "I am constantly amazed by how many sentiments can be expressed by bastardizing your last name."
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