12 January 2006

vicious square.

i’m just positive that you’re going to be very successful.

the list of things i know for certain about myself is pretty short.

i really enjoyed our conversations together, really a lot.

one thing on there is this: people generally like me. more than not.

you were absolutely the best writer of the bunch.

another is that i’m a decent writer.

i look forward to the day when i walk into the store and pick up a book with your name on it.

i’ve a long, almost deadly long stretch in front of me if i’m to get to what i know i’m capable of, writing-wise.

the panel decided to go with someone who has more experience.

but i’m decent. right now: i’m good.

the group felt you lacked a certain level of experience.

don’t misunderstand: i’m a shit-all amateur and i know it.

the team recognized that you do superb work, but the relevant experience was not there.

it’s just that i also happen to know that on a dime i can concoct an elaborate analogy regarding the panel’s need to self-fellate – to stuff their cheeks with their own collective bureaucratic cock – and it will be more delightful and evocative than the lifetime of professional work by whichever brow-furrowed eager-lipped wrinkle-resistant fleshy-sacked cockmeister it was who had the appropriate experience today.

everybody feels sure that you’re going to be a great success wherever it is that you finally end up.


anon said...

If it makes you feel any better, I was once turned down for a job for being simultaneously over-qualified and too young. That, I think, is way more fucked up--even than getting fired from Storeables.

anon said...

That being said, I forgot to mention that those guys are dick-eating-cock-sucking-vag heads who wouldn't even know the first thing about artfully procuring Cheerio's.

scs said...

Yeah! I agree. Screw them, you are the best.

huntsmanic said...

just found out yesterday that they didn't hire anyone, and will have to start the search over. which is totally gay, but a bit less than the other option, because my writing was "absolutely the best," and i've already got some contract work out of it. so who knows, except maria, who i just quoted on scs's blog -- "where the lord closes a door, somewhere he opens a window."