23 January 2009
rowdy rachel ray vs. fightin' flayer flay.
up on the work blog, for unclear reasons, is a wee bit of cheftainment.
20 January 2009
down with homework / up with hopework.
up on the work blog (newly invigorated and most-times serious and with other not-me posters but now w/ my scribbles 3x per week for the new aught-9 year): imagine a future with no homework.
16 January 2009
how about a few things to hope for this year...hunts, you start and weep away.
right, weep away about some fucking hope. bitch about some goddam laughter. all aboard the night train and let's make ourselves a bit of sunshine. of course, weep -> hope isn't nearly as oppositional a juxtaposition as all that. if weeping is one pole, crying with joy must be the other; as one who has at least twice reached way, way down in search of good things, found nothing, then looked up with eyes shut tight and straight-out begged for a meaningful thread of hope--nothing more than help me, help me help me help me on my lips or in my beleaguered body--i know that the surrounding proximity of hope is weeping. gnashing of teeth. and our understanding of true joy is so tarnished, anyway, it's by nature ethereal, ephemeral, and (i believe) brought to you (oftentimes) by the holiest of spirits, and then when we're away from joy and its emotional zeitgeist, we yet again think of it more and more as happiness... maybe that's my whole problem. wait, watch, let's see if i can feel my way out of what i just said about which juxtapositions, now that i'm just a sentence or two removed from having paused and worked to call up the deepest desperation i ever felt--now that my intellectualism isn't the one with a hand on the wheel. let's find out. come quickly with me here to this place a few years back, not so far at all, really, to this precise moment when the withered me has found a petal of hope on which to rest. however i choose to look about me, things are ugly; the petal of hope, it's floating on a pond of despair, of blackness. nothing consequential has changed; only that i've found this lily green life raft on which to sit, to stave off my sinkingness for a moment or more--i've no way to tell how much life this hope's got in it, partly owing to its being the close to a passage from paul that's as near a cliche as a bible verse can be, what with all the weddings we've heard it at. 1 corinthians 13: paul writing about love. i memorized it as a kid and recited it and got a whole bag of fun-sized baby ruths, but now thank you god, now thank you, it's just the close that appears in my head. and then these three remain: faith, hope, love. and the greatest of these is love. that was my lily pad, my thread of hope: my faith had been supplanted by entitlement; my hope by a capacity to distract myself--my throat and nose and hands and cock--that began as a way to not think or feel and eventually more or less prevented those; but i knew i was loved. i did not, frankly, have much of an inclination to extend myself in any significantly loving manner; but i knew i was loved through and in spite of this shit-pile of my life, and i knew i could return love to those who loved me still. and then i could work my way back into it. i could remember to pay attention, maybe even to be the guy who notices when things aren't good for you--the guy people talk to for a while and feel better. the guy people want to hug when they're sad. i had a piece of hope just big enough to let me remember that hope is secondary to love, and joy started to spread down from below my ears and out to my shoulders, arms, fingers: i'll go love some people. i'll make it my thing, starting right now. so how about that. you want hope? here's some fucking hope: you are loved. humanly and deeply and hugely imperfectly. you are loved. fall into it, not back on it but into it; find your bearings, find ways to love people. the greatest of these.
09 January 2009
what part of ___ do you not understand.
- some of google’s faves -
What part of Hamfatter do you not understand?
What part of "Internet Quote" do you not understand?
What part of Ben Kramer is coming home do you not understand?
What part of I COULD DIE IF I EAT MAYO do you not understand?
What Part of 'Do Justice and Love Mercy' Do You Not Understand?
What Part of We Don't Trust You Do You Not Understand?
Mexicans Want to Know "What part of illegal do you not understand?”
What Part of Representation by Population Do You Not Understand?
What Part of The Old Man is Dead Do You Not Understand?
What part of shall not be infringed do you not understand?
What part of fan forum do you not understand?
What part of whites only do you not understand?
What part of I WILL SHAKE THE WHOLE EARTH do you not understand?
What part of Hamfatter do you not understand?
What part of "Internet Quote" do you not understand?
What part of Ben Kramer is coming home do you not understand?
What part of I COULD DIE IF I EAT MAYO do you not understand?
What Part of 'Do Justice and Love Mercy' Do You Not Understand?
What Part of We Don't Trust You Do You Not Understand?
Mexicans Want to Know "What part of illegal do you not understand?”
What Part of Representation by Population Do You Not Understand?
What Part of The Old Man is Dead Do You Not Understand?
What part of shall not be infringed do you not understand?
What part of fan forum do you not understand?
What part of whites only do you not understand?
What part of I WILL SHAKE THE WHOLE EARTH do you not understand?
05 January 2009
ten of the day.

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